Friday, May 8, 2015

It is done

So, guys, I'm really excited! I made my bowl today. It came out SO GOOD.
I love it. I messed up at first but I started over and made a new perfect one. Mr Lucius may or may not have been a really big help. Let's just say he kind of, sort of, helped me a lot. It was lopsided the first time and I spread the wall too thin the second time , but it finally came out okay.
   It was surprisingly really easy. All you have to remember is keep your clay wet, your bat clean, and your arms on the lip. I had a lot of fun. I got dirty and got to test my creativity limits. It was a new experience for me. I was surprised how relaxing it was too.
   Okay, so the broken hand was a problem when I had to pick it up and throw it down and pound it. But, other than that all I had to do was rest my arms on the lip and relax my hands. Then, I had to apply pressure to even it out, that hurt a little more. Making it into a mountain was difficult to do with my hand because you had to curve them a lot. But it came out really well.

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