Tuesday, April 7, 2015

In the beginning

It was a challenge to find something to pursue for genius hour. So, I thought about things that I had never done and had always wanted to do. I came up with a whole bunch of nothing. I decided to go deeper, and I thought about what my strengths and weaknesses are as a person. I am capable of doing anything I can imagine, but there's one thing I've never been able to brag about. That one thing is being artistic. I struggle with it. It's the one thing i would say I one hundred percent and incapable of being. So, for genius hour I've decided to challenge myself to be artistic. Conveniently enough, on my bucket list I have always wanted to create something on a potters wheel.
My driving question is, Can i challenge myself to be creative?
I am going to try my best. I don't know exactly what i'm going to make, but the art teacher is going to help me and I am going to ask some experienced artists for help. Whatever I do I want to paint it a light, sort of pastel pink. 
    I have just recently talked with one of the most experienced art student on the potters wheel. I think I'm going to start simple with a bowl. If I have time I may continue to make a vase. I think that with the help and support of those around me I can make this work. I'm excited to begin my process. 


  1. Nice driving question! I think you'll surprise yourself!

  2. A lot of people don't believe in their artistic abilities and I commend you for actually trying to do it. You could complete this Genius Hour as the next Picasso :) you never know.

  3. I love your topic Jordan, I think your going to love pottery!!

  4. I love your topic Jordan, I think your going to love pottery!!

  5. Pottery has always fascinated me. I would love to learn more about your journey through the "Art World". Good luck! :)

  6. You go Jordan! Even with a broken hand you are still moving forward with your Genius Hour topic great for you! Be careful and I hope everything does well:)
