Sunday, May 17, 2015

Where it's going

I know we don't need anymore blog posts, but last time in class I said that I hadn't decided what to do with my finished pottery. So, what I'm going to do is make it and paint it a color that my grandmother can use in her new house and give it to her as a late Mother's Day present. Even though people were offering me money for it and asking if they could have it. I realized that I care about what happens to it and I think she's under appreciated and she also doubts my love for her. What better way to show her I love her than this handmade present.

Friday, May 8, 2015

It is done

So, guys, I'm really excited! I made my bowl today. It came out SO GOOD.
I love it. I messed up at first but I started over and made a new perfect one. Mr Lucius may or may not have been a really big help. Let's just say he kind of, sort of, helped me a lot. It was lopsided the first time and I spread the wall too thin the second time , but it finally came out okay.
   It was surprisingly really easy. All you have to remember is keep your clay wet, your bat clean, and your arms on the lip. I had a lot of fun. I got dirty and got to test my creativity limits. It was a new experience for me. I was surprised how relaxing it was too.
   Okay, so the broken hand was a problem when I had to pick it up and throw it down and pound it. But, other than that all I had to do was rest my arms on the lip and relax my hands. Then, I had to apply pressure to even it out, that hurt a little more. Making it into a mountain was difficult to do with my hand because you had to curve them a lot. But it came out really well.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cold feet

Talked with Mr L on Friday he said that he would help me throw a bowl Monday. I'm so excited because I can finally start. I'm gonna stick with the wheel my hands pretty well healed now. I am just gonna throw a simple bowl and I'll upload some pictures and videos I me doing it I guess.
  I present in a week. I'm really nervous and i haven't even started on my presentation. I was really excited when I started but now with my hand. My interest went "downhill" I can barely write. Now I have to make a bowl! I'm uber nervous. 
   I hope I do well but if I fail maybe that's good. I'll know my limitations. I am so excited to see if I can do this.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


As of right now I haven't physically done anything. I'm waiting for my had to get stronger. But, I am planning out what I want to do. I want to make a simple bowl. I want it to have a pink or purple color glaze. 
I still have to get together with hinojosa. She will help me decide if I am going to further continue this on the potters wheel or do it by hand. Until I figure that out in just researching about how to do pottery and how glaze comes out.
I'm nervous that I will fail or not be able to complete this genius hour. Especially with the time limit and my hand being broken. I hope I can finish it and make a good product.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A pot hole amongst many

I have come about my first "bump" in the road. This bump isn't any normal pot hole. It's practically a trench, with 50 signs saying "Turn back... You may not cross... Stop!" If you haven't heard, I broke my right hand. Obviously, you need both hands to create pottery. So I'm stuck, I'm stuck in the mud of confusion trying to figure out a way around this bump. 
    I refuse to give up. I am sticking with my topic even if it kills me. It just might. I decided I'm going to really overuse my resources (aka my artist person) Hinojosa is her name (and art is her game) no but seriously, she is going to be my right hand, or maybe both of them. I'm not quite sure yet. I really want to make my art on the potters wheel. But, I know that's not the only way to make pottery.
   I'm not very good with my left hand to begin with, actually when it comes to art my right hand isn't that good either. Now, this is totally new territory for me. I'm ready to start making the pottery because this bump has completely set me back. I am going to meet with her and mr L and see what happens!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

In the beginning

It was a challenge to find something to pursue for genius hour. So, I thought about things that I had never done and had always wanted to do. I came up with a whole bunch of nothing. I decided to go deeper, and I thought about what my strengths and weaknesses are as a person. I am capable of doing anything I can imagine, but there's one thing I've never been able to brag about. That one thing is being artistic. I struggle with it. It's the one thing i would say I one hundred percent and incapable of being. So, for genius hour I've decided to challenge myself to be artistic. Conveniently enough, on my bucket list I have always wanted to create something on a potters wheel.
My driving question is, Can i challenge myself to be creative?
I am going to try my best. I don't know exactly what i'm going to make, but the art teacher is going to help me and I am going to ask some experienced artists for help. Whatever I do I want to paint it a light, sort of pastel pink. 
    I have just recently talked with one of the most experienced art student on the potters wheel. I think I'm going to start simple with a bowl. If I have time I may continue to make a vase. I think that with the help and support of those around me I can make this work. I'm excited to begin my process.